Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MSN Video

MSN Video Hello Folks,I'm back again with a little entertainment for Ya'llll...........I personally thought that this old Bitch,who probably has caused many accidents and seems to have the attitude that it takes to cut us all off in traffic probabl aHUNDRED!....TIMES! got off way too easy! Cause if by now you all know me.....WHEEEEEEe! If I was that cop I wouldn't have pulled out my taser.because theres not enough voltage in that thing to do her justice! Instead..HHmmmm...I know ? I would have pulled out my Glock 9 and pumped her putrid,wrinkled old ass about 14 times in her fouled mouth.And...done every one a favor by gettin rid of her Blue -Haired Ass and done us all a Favor!Yeah, no
more of her flippin off people with her skinny,liver spotted,crotchedy old,arthritic middle finger.I'd be like downtown man,I mean, flip that Glock sideways in her stinky ass face and BLAM! buBlam,BlamBLAM! Over ,HE,he,he,HIS-TO-RY.But I dunno what would you do?Feel Sorry for her Dumb Ass,Not me Brothers and Sisters.Give her some of DEE=Troit Justice.....Well gotta fly!Talk more real,real soon cause i'm on a roll!Syonara, oregato! Skiptalk9