Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wake Up!!! Little Snoozy...

Have you ever waken up in the morning,or for some of us,The evening and found yourself with a moment of clarity where you ponder what is this thing called life all about.When I'm on my medication,and for once it seems to work,and I find myself in the body of Dr.Jeckle,a fairly intelligent human being with the soul of Gold.A person of integrity,thoughtful,kind and a man capable of deep philosophy's and honesty.A man with whom life has a purpose.Helping others, enjoying people,by that,I mean listening to they're problems and offering possible answers for them.Helping the elderly,whether it be some little old lady,whom has locked her keys in her car.Or,an old gentleman by carrying his heavy grocery bag up two flights of stairs to his apartment.Suddenly, it occurs to me! That is what we are here for!To help others whether it be physically,or mentally by calming down a kid who has fallen off his bicycle and has skinned his knee.We were'nt put on this planet to be selfish,greedy Bastered's!WE here for others and that's why we should geet out of bed in the morning,with positive thoughts and ready to take on a new day! A new challenge!Am I right or am I right.Sure I am !It's as plain as the nose on your face! Wait A Minute!Fuck it! I'm tired what the hell was I talken about.Forget what I said>I gotta roll over and get some sleep.....
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