Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MSN Video

MSN Video Hello Folks,I'm back again with a little entertainment for Ya'llll...........I personally thought that this old Bitch,who probably has caused many accidents and seems to have the attitude that it takes to cut us all off in traffic probabl aHUNDRED!....TIMES! got off way too easy! Cause if by now you all know me.....WHEEEEEEe! If I was that cop I wouldn't have pulled out my taser.because theres not enough voltage in that thing to do her justice! Instead..HHmmmm...I know ? I would have pulled out my Glock 9 and pumped her putrid,wrinkled old ass about 14 times in her fouled mouth.And...done every one a favor by gettin rid of her Blue -Haired Ass and done us all a Favor!Yeah, no
more of her flippin off people with her skinny,liver spotted,crotchedy old,arthritic middle finger.I'd be like downtown man,I mean, flip that Glock sideways in her stinky ass face and BLAM! buBlam,BlamBLAM! Over ,HE,he,he,HIS-TO-RY.But I dunno what would you do?Feel Sorry for her Dumb Ass,Not me Brothers and Sisters.Give her some of DEE=Troit Justice.....Well gotta fly!Talk more real,real soon cause i'm on a roll!Syonara, oregato! Skiptalk9

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wake Up!!! Little Snoozy...

Have you ever waken up in the morning,or for some of us,The evening and found yourself with a moment of clarity where you ponder what is this thing called life all about.When I'm on my medication,and for once it seems to work,and I find myself in the body of Dr.Jeckle,a fairly intelligent human being with the soul of Gold.A person of integrity,thoughtful,kind and a man capable of deep philosophy's and honesty.A man with whom life has a purpose.Helping others, enjoying people,by that,I mean listening to they're problems and offering possible answers for them.Helping the elderly,whether it be some little old lady,whom has locked her keys in her car.Or,an old gentleman by carrying his heavy grocery bag up two flights of stairs to his apartment.Suddenly, it occurs to me! That is what we are here for!To help others whether it be physically,or mentally by calming down a kid who has fallen off his bicycle and has skinned his knee.We were'nt put on this planet to be selfish,greedy Bastered's!WE here for others and that's why we should geet out of bed in the morning,with positive thoughts and ready to take on a new day! A new challenge!Am I right or am I right.Sure I am !It's as plain as the nose on your face! Wait A Minute!Fuck it! I'm tired what the hell was I talken about.Forget what I said>I gotta roll over and get some sleep.....
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Thursday, March 5, 2009

me with a real movie star

Me with Bart the Bear a true star and real movie star!I was ranting last month or was it this?WHHEEEEEEEEEEE can't remember. Any how i'm just trying to prove my point and least in my own distorted mind!shhhhhhhiiiiiittttttttttt!A long time ago i had thispicture of myself taken with a true giant in alllll senses of the word! The movie industry with hit films under his belt such as :Legends of the fall(remember his famous wrestling scene at the end of that movie ,with his co-star brad Pitt),or maybe you remember his movie apply titled "The Bear" where no one had much dialoque but Bart had that Bear hunter on his knees like the stupid hillbilly he was crying with real tears I might add and reallll shhheeeeeeett in his pants begging my friend here 'please...please... don't kill meeeeeeeee... f*^#*^! wimp.or or maybe his starring role with Eddie Murphy in DR. Do Little 2.Where my man Eddie was trin to hook this pansy asssed female bear up with Mighty Bart and all the animals talked like they do and how cool that was an,WAiiiiiT!My point is before they locked me up and put me in my cage because.....supposedly I can,t inter act with people anymoreand I'm allll these real good anti-this and anti that pharmaceutical stuff my keeper forces down my throat. I was once nnormal they say. But I was saying how phoney the Oscars were and the only reality eas the Late and Great Heath Ledger and how crazy the whole hollywood scene is and how fake these scum sucking actors and actresses are (except Mickey rourke) and I could rant on how they over stuffed the ballot Box for that skinnny pnnnnnzzzyassssed I,d love to smack the smirk off his face Sean Penn winning Best Actor instead of the man Mick.Like I,m sure ok?like Sean Penn had to act to play the gay mayor of Frisco?The role was so easy for him heeeeessssss like that every day ok? so what ...SSSSStttooopppp.I.m so sorrry i.m goin off again and i,m gettin off again so I gotta stop ok? their comminnngggggg.gotta stop and take my Bluessss,and Somaaaaaassssss.Seee youu alll sooon....ssshhhhhhhhhsnnnnoooorrrrrrrrrrr................
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Wouldn't you'd like tooooo..........

I was watching some interesting videos(after consuming some ,well many Blues when I came upon this one.wheeeeeeee.....Hooo.and I thought WoW! Every time we turn on the news we get sooo depressed

Putfile - Barely Political

Putfile - Barely Political

Putfile - Barely Political

Putfile - Barely Political

Monday, February 23, 2009


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Diary of a Loose Cannon

Soooo, what do we think of the Oscar's? Arethey a cheap thrill to make us all drool over our surreal Movie Idols? or are they given as true artistic efforts which are rewarded to extra ordinary people with a true talent to make us feel laughter ,sadness,and help us get into our genre as being HUMAN........weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Well. Normally exc ept that word is not in my diagnossissss.I think of them as a waste of time.Giving golden rewards to a bunch of spoiled.Rich.Hollywood Brats,who probably use them as pooper scoopers anyways while they sit on their asses in multi-million dollar homes,with their feetkicked up on their glass coffee tables while they listen to the card -shuffling sound of automated money counting machines,spill over-flowing onto their designer Burber carpets.But this year I feel was a little different.
While I watching from my cage, of course,yanking out my frizzled hair from my pumpkin head with my right hand and jerking my little bald head with me left,screeming like a Banshee!NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!How come I am so pitiful to have nothing else to do with my un-valuable,insane time!Wham! there it was .....Heath Ledgers family,Being Real! humbly accepting his Oscar for best supporting actor in a male role.I was as AC-DC rant,:THUNDERSTRUCK.....and doing it with dignity and pride less time then it took all those phony actors and ac tresses bumbling on about how much they'd like to thank their directors,producers,friends,art directors,castingdirectors,lighting, best-boys,caterers,staff,stand-ins,janitors,ass-wipers..etc..etc...whewwwwwwwwww Get the picture.I was so stunned by Heath's quiet little family and their reall-ness, I actually scraped myself up off the floor,and for a moment,just a moment and found myself back on my balancing line of hope and insanity. I just hope it doesn't take a talent like his to die every year to make this circus of perfoming charlatens and their AWARD show to work.
Of course coming from a guy like me,take it for what its worth. What Do You Think? Let Me Know...........HAAAAAAHAAAAHAAAHAAHHAHAHHAHAAA... S...